Sunday, March 30, 2014

Networking Research

Research around networking is mostly finished, and the majority of the difficult decisions have been made. We will be synchronizing and using client prediction for everything that moves except projectiles. The projectiles will only be visually represented on the clients, the servers will calculate if they actually hit something and report this to the clients.

We will be using some of Raknets features, most notably RPC, allowing us to directly call methods on matching objects across the network.

Here is a picture of poorly-designed test man, currently partially animated using Mechanim:

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Arrows working properly

Modification complete, the arrows are now infallible.
They use simple raycasts and do not have any physics-components at all

First Movement

Basic character movement is now in, as is attacking and a simple health system.
Further testing has shown that the collision system we made does not lend itself well to projectiles, and they pass through things half the time. We will have to make a separate system, or modify the current one heavily.

Testing has shown that we can use our collision system with the built in physics engine set to the lowest setting, one tick per ten seconds. This saves a lot of cpu-time, but means we need to re-implement  triggers. The built in system may be more efficient in this, so it could be desirable to use the built in system for that. Further testing is on the way.